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查字典物理网 2015-12-23

随着新课改的深入,我国高中阶段的物理教科书也发生很多的改变,由原先的人教版一统天下,变为有人教版、济科版、沪科版、广东版等多种版本共存的局面。在笔者教学实际中也欣喜的发现的我们教材中关于实验的编写也有了非常大的进步。类似美国教材也有多种版本,而且他们在实验方面有很多地方值得我们学习和借鉴。为此笔者就国内使用较多的人教版教材和美国高中物理教材中影响非常大的、也是其应用较多的美国高中主流理科教材《Physics Principles and Problems》(浙江教育出版社出版的《物理:原理与问题》是其中文版)进行比较和分析,特别是对其中的实验部分进行简要的分析,从分析中得到一些基本的应对策略,也使我们的物理课堂教学中的实验更科学有效,更符合学生的认知水平,最终能有效提高我们的物理教学水平。

关于《Physics Principles and Problems》(《物理:原理与问题》),它是美国麦格劳-希乐(McGraw-Hill)公司出版的一本高中物理教材(目前国内已有浙江教育出版社翻译出版的《物理:原理与问题》中文版在市场上发行),供美国9~12年级学生选学一年,该书主编保罗齐泽维茨(P.w.Zitzewitz)博士是密歇根-迪乐伯恩大学(University of Michigan-Dearborn)的物理教授,在原子物理实验研究方面取得了很多成绩,他长期从事大学物理教学,又对高中物理与初中物理科学课程的教学有着较为深入的研究。现任美国物理教师协会密歇根州分会会长、美国物理学会教育论坛主席。美国的中学物理教材版本很多,形式多样,由学校和任课教师自由选用。根据统计,《物理:原理和问题》一书自出版以来,在全美的选用率接近50%,并为其他许多英语国家所选用。正是基于此,笔者就此版本教材与国内也是主流的人民教育出版社出版的高中物理教材进行实验上的比较,以期取得一些启示。


一、关于教材《Physics Principles and Problems》中实验部分编写的比较和分析


《Physics Principles and Problems》每章开始部分都有一个LAUNCH Lab(起步实验),在教学章节中有Physics Lab,类似我们教材中的章节中实验课题(如人教版中物理必修一中的第四章第二节-实验:探究加速度与力、质量的关系),还有穿插在章节中各小节介绍知识时用到的实验,多用图像和图形来说明,最后还有在各章节中出现的MINI Lab。具体分布情况如下图所示。


如图5所示,为电场一章的起步实验,探究相隔一定距离的带电物体之间的相互作用力。《原理与问题》一书中它取用的两带电体为two balloons(两只气球),而我们教材中的则用图6中的带电小球来研究,通过两者比较我们可以看到我们的教材更注重理论,而美国教材在此处处理上来看更生活化。类似例子很多,如《原理与问题》一书在研究物体的自由落体运动时,选用的物体竟然是几元硬币用胶带粘在一起作为下落的物体(如图7所示)。事实上我们教材中也有类似的生活化的实验器材,如在研究磁场的分布时,我们应用铁屑来做磁感应线的模拟,但同样在《原理与问题》一书中,它却从两个角度来分别描述,也反映了其对理论性的强调。如图8和图9分别是在描述磁场方向时用的两组实验器材。



LAUNCH Lab:Can you get a lightbulb to light?

Question(问题): Given a wire, a battery, and a lightbulb, can you get the bulb to light?(给你一段导线、一节干电池和一个灯泡。你能使这个灯泡发光吗?)


1. Obtain a lightbulb, a wire, and a battery. Try to find as many ways as possible to get the lightbulb to light.(取一个灯泡、一段导线和一节干电池。尝试各种不同的方法使这个灯泡发光。)

Caution: Wire is sharp and can cut skin. Wire can also get hot if connected across the battery. (注意:导线两端较尖锐,小心割伤皮肤,在将导线与电池相连时,导线会发烫。)

2. Diagram two ways in which you are able to get the lightbulb to work. Be sure to label the battery, the wire, and the bulb.(画出两种能使你的灯泡发光的电路图。注意正确使用正确的符号表示电池、导线和灯泡。)

3. Diagram at least three ways in which you are not able to get the bulb to light(画出至少三种不能使灯泡发光的电路图).


How did you know if electric current was flowing? What do your diagrams of the lit bulb have in common? What do your diagrams of the unlit bulb have in common? From your observations, what conditions seem to be necessary in order for the bulb to light?(你如何知道电路中是否存在电流?能够使灯泡发光的电路图有哪些共性?无法使灯泡发光的电路图又有什么相同之处?根据你的观察,你认为使灯泡发光的必要条件是什么?)

Critical Thinking (理性思维):What causes electricity to flow through the bulb?(是什么原因使电流能够流过灯泡?)





Resistance The resistance of an operating 100-W lightbulb is about 140Ω. When the lightbulb is turned off and at room temperature, its resistance is only about 10Ω. This is because of the great difference between room temperature and the lightbulb’s operating temperature(电阻 一个正在工作100W的灯泡的电阻大约为140Ω,切断电流后,它在室温下的电阻大约只有10Ω。这是因为灯泡的工作温度与室温相差很大的缘故)。




LAUNCH Lab :What happens in a changing magnetic field?


Question(问题):How does a changing magnetic field affect a coil of wire passed through it?(通过线圈的磁场发生变化时,对该线圈会产生怎样的影响?)


1. Place two bar magnets about 8 cm apart.

2. Attach a sensitive galvanometer to either end of a piece of coiled copper wire.

3. Slowly move the wire between the magnets.Note the galvanometer reading.

4. Vary the angle of the movement of the copper wire and the velocity of the wire. Note your results.



What causes the galvanometer to move? What situation makes the galvanometer deflect the most?(是什么原因引起灵敏电流计的指针发生偏转?什么情况下它偏转的角度最大?)

Critical Thinking(理性思维): When the wire is moved between the magnets, what is happening to the wire?(当磁铁插入线圈时,线圈中会发生什么情况?)




PHYSICS LAB:Modeling the Photoelectric Effect


The emission of electrons from an object when electromagnetic radiation is incident upon it is known as the photoelectric effect. Electrons are ejected from the object only when the frequency of the radiation is greater than a certain minimum value, called the threshold frequency. In this investigation you will model the photoelectric effect using steel balls. You will examine why only certain types of electromagnetic radiation result in the emission of photoelectrons.(一个被电磁辐射照射的物体会发出电子,这就是光电效应。仅当辐射频率大于某一最小值即极限频率时,物体才会发射出电子。在本实验中,你将用钢球模拟光电效应,并理解为什么只有某种类型的电磁辐射才能导致光电子的发射。)

QUESTION(问题):How can steel balls be used to model the photoelectric effect?(怎样才能用钢球来模拟光电效应?)


■ Formulate a model to investigate the photoelectric effect.


■ Describe how the energy of a photon is related to its frequency.


■ Use scientific explanations to explain why macroscopic phenomena cannot explain the

quantum behavior of the atom.(说明为什么宏观现象不能解释原子的量子行为)。

Safety Precautions(安全警示)

■ Keep isopropyl alcohol away from open flame.(保证酒精远离明火。)

■ Do not swallow isopropyl alcohol.(绝不能喝酒精。)

■ Isopropyl alcohol can dry out skin.(酒精什使你的皮肤干燥。)


steel balls (3)(3颗钢球)

grooved channel (U-channel or shelf bracket) (滑槽(U形凹槽或槽形搁架))


red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet marking pens (or colored stickers)


metric ruler(米尺)

isopropyl alcohol(酒精)


1. Shape the grooved channel, as shown in the photo, and use several books to support the channel, as shown. Make sure the books do not block the ends of the channel.

2. Mark a capital letter R with a red marking pen on the channel 4 cm above the table, as shown.The R represents red.

3. Mark a capital letter V with a violet marking pen on the channel at a distance 14 cm above the table as shown. The V represents violet.Use the other colored pens to place marks for blue, B, green, G, yellow, Y, and orange, O,uniformly between the marks for R and V.

4. Place two steel balls at the lowest point on the channel. These steel balls represent the atom’s valence electrons.

5. Hold a steel ball in place on the channel at the R position. This steel ball represents an incident photon of red light. Note that the red photon has the lowest energy of the six colors of light being modeled.

6. Release the steel ball (photon) and see if it has enough energy to remove a valence electron from the atom; that is, observe if either of the two steel ball electrons escapes from the channel.Record your observations in the data table.Horizons Companies

7. Remove the steel ball that represents the incident photon from the lower part of the channel.replace the two steel balls used to represent the valence electrons at the lowest point on the channel.

8. Repeat steps 5–7 for each of the colors you marked on the channel. Be sure always to start with the two steel balls at the lowest point on the channel. Note that the violet photon has the greatest energy of the six colors of light being modeled. Record your observations in the data table.

9. Repeat steps 5–7, but release the steel ball slightly lower than the R position. Record your observations in the data table.

10. Repeat steps 5–7, but release the steel ball representing the incident photon from a point slightly higher than the V position. Record your observations in the data table.

11. Answer question 1 in the Conclude and Apply section and then test your prediction.

12. When you have finished the lab, return all materials to the locations specified by your instructor. Clean off the ink markings on the channel with isopropyl alcohol (or remove the colored stickers placed on the channel).

Color or Energy of Photon(光子的颜色或能量) Observations(观察结果)







Less than red(比红更低)

Greater than violet(比紫更高)


1. Interpret Data Which color(s) of photons was able to remove at least one electron in your model?

2. Interpret Data Were any of the photons energetic enough to remove more than one electron? If so, identify the photon’s color.

3. Use Models In step 9, what type of photon does the steel ball represent?

4. Use Models In step 10, what type of photon does the steel ball represent?

5. Explain Should photons of visible light be the only photons considered when investigating the photoelectric effect? Why or why not?

6. Summarize Summarize your observations in terms of the energies of photons.

Conclude and Apply(结论与应用)

1. Infer What would happen if two red photons hit the two valence electrons at the same time? Test your prediction.

2. Think Critically Some materials hold on to their valence electrons more tightly than others. How could the model be modified to show this?

3. Draw Conclusions In this model, what happens to the photon’s energy when it collides

with an electron but does not remove the electron from the atom?

Going Further(进一步探索)

Using the formula E _ hf, where h is Planck’s constant and f is the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation, calculate the energy of a red photon compared to the energy of a blue photon.

Real-World Physics(生活中的物理学)

Photographers often have red lights in their darkrooms. Why do they use red light, but not blue light?


Finding the Size of an Atom(探寻原子大小)

Ernest Rutherford used statistical analysis and probability to help analyze the results of his gold foil experiment. In this experiment, you will model the gold foil experiment using BBs and cups. You will then analyze your results in terms of probability to estimate the size of an object that cannot be seen.


How can probability be used to determine the size of an object that cannot be seen?


■ Interpret data to determine the probability of a BB striking an unseen object.

■ Calculate the size of an unseen object based on probability.

Safety Precautions(安全警示)

■ Be sure to immediately pick up BBs that have fallen onto the floor.


shoe box

three identical small paper cups

200 BBs

centimeter ruler

large towel or cloth


1. Use the centimeter ruler to measure the length and width of the inside of the shoe box. Record the measurements in the data table.

2. Use the centimeter ruler to measure the diameter of the top of one of the cups. Record the measurement in the data table.

3. Place the shoe box in the center of a folded towel, such that the towel extends at least 30 cm beyond each side of the shoe box.

4. Randomly place the three paper cups in the bottom of the shoe box.

5. Have your lab partner randomly drop 200 BBs into the shoe box. Make sure he or she distributes the BBs evenly over the area of the shoe box. Note that some of the BBs may miss the shoe box and land on the towel.

6. Count the number of BBs in the cups and record the value in the data table.

注:上述实验中Analyze(分析)、Conclude and Apply(结论与应用)、Going Further(进一步探索)、Real-World Physics(生活中的物理学)等剩余几部分略。



几乎在每个实验中都将部分安全常识或可能出现的安全隐患列出,每个实验中都有Safety Precautions。如上述模拟光电效应实验中的酒精不能喝都予以列出,又如物理实验:探寻原子的大小中应及时捡起掉落在地板上的轴承滚珠。在电学实验部分还会防止出现触电现象的提示。总之在这一点上我们国内的教材还需要做适当的改进。特别是学生在课余时间自主地做此类实验时的安全问题,如06年合肥市一名即将参加高考学生因为私自做化学实验因化学药品爆炸,不仅炸伤了自己,也将自己的高考延期,如果在实验时适当加以安全指导,那样悲剧可能就不会上演了。


通过《物理 原理与问题》一书中实验设计的分析和比较,我们在教学过程中也应该予以适当的改进和应用。







1.实验易于操作,实验现象明显。否则予以改进或选择其它实验替代。 如《Physics Principles and Problems》中PHYSICS Lab模拟光电效应在我们教学中就可直接拿来使用,也可进行改进,那样效果可能更好。

















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